Maslow's hierarchy of needs[1] is famous as a framework for recognizing people.
And I want to share another useful framework for such a purpose. That is the Map of Consciousness proposed in the book Power vs Force by David R. Hawkins.[2] Just check the "Level" and "Log" columns to simply the map. The Courage (Log: 200) is the border to be positive. Less than equal to Pride (Log: 175) or less than Courage (Log: 200) is negative. The "positive" means the energy affects self and others positively. It is called "Power", The "negative" means the energy affects self and others negatively. It is called "Force".
The higher level of consciousness or emotion is more powerful with higher energy.
People at each level behave differently with their good intentions, and people at a level less than Courage (Log: 200) may do something that affects other people negatively by their good intentions.
Mahatma Gandhi[3] and Mother Teresa[4] are described as people with high levels of consciousness in the book Power vs Force[2].
I read the story of Mother Teresa. When she moved to India and walked in an area where poor people existed. Someone stole her bread saying "I am hungry. I haven't eaten anything for 3 days.". It's difficult to judge a person's behavior is good or bad. Because the person just did it to fulfill the person's desire to survive. If another person whose safety need is not fulfilled, it's an option to hurt other people just to protect oneself. If another person has a fear of being poor or death or blaming others, stealing is an option to protect oneself from the fear.
I learned that we shouldn't judge any behaviors of others from Mother Teresa's book. They are just doing "good" things with good intentions on each level of the consciousness.
People with a consciousness level less than Courage (Log: 200) are the ones who need unconditional love (Log: 500). In my interpretation, people in the negative field show different negative behaviors sending signals of needing unconditional love.
Mahatma Gandhi's "nonviolence" is to endure the disrespect and violence from other people, but forgive them with love. Gandhi called it "Brave's nonviolence".
I would like to cite Mother Teresa's words from a book about her[5].
"Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: where there is hatred let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. Load, may I not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. Because it is in giving that we receive, in pardoning that we are pardoned."
Please give me the capability to give my unconditional love to everyone, and heal and empower everyone as a catalyst.
According to the Power vs Force, people's consciousness level is increasing little by little. However, I believe that optimizing people's health by understanding their bodies and eating proper food can increase people's consciousness levels dramatically. That's one of the reasons why I focus on Functional Medicine, Precision Nutrition, Naturopathic Medicine, etc to optimize their health from not disease but not healthy into the best healthy.
- [1]'s_hierarchy_of_needs
- [2] Power vs Force by David R. Hawkins -
- [3]
- [4]
- [5] Mother Teresa (In My Own Words) by Jose Luis Gonzales-Balado -