Jun's Blog

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Reflecting on 2022

At the end of the year 2022, I would share my reflections on the year 2022 with this article. Previously I wrote the 2020 version of the article.

In recent years, I learned how to work with big open-source projects. It was fun and meaningful. Because open-source projects survive beyond one organization. And it gives opportunities to work with people beyond one organization as collective knowledge. When working in one organization or team, knowledge is challenged.

My interest and passion are in the process of 1. Open Software to 2. Open Hardware, 3. Open Bio, and 4. Open Aging Bio.

Filling human's basic needs

To have the motivation to fill human's advanced needs such as self-achievement, it's important to fill human's basic needs such as safety, and comfortability in life.

Studying diet and aging biology, I have improved my diet style. It's fun to see how my body, maybe microbiome and importantly my feeling changed by changing the food I eat. I live with a little sugar including something producing sugar such as carbs. I am comfortable with a little food, and intermittent fasting.

I finally migrated my main PC environment from Mac on MacBook Air to Fedora Linux on Framework Laptop. This makes my daily life fun and gives me lots of fun learning opportunities. Fedora Project and Framework have a thriving community, and staying in the community is a great learning system.

I found and started a new habit about how to spend time on info-tech, bio-tech, and learning the Czech language every week. This was a big change for me. And I should start it earlier. It gives me great happiness.

Living in a place that I found the best in Prague makes me happy. And the place is relatively safe. So, I don't need to pay extra attention to safety. It's important for my energy consumption. And it's accessible for healthy foods.

Open Software

I have been fortunate to work on the Fedora project and the Ruby project and other open-source software projects and to see how the projects work. An open-source project RPM Python Installer I created is growing slowly.

Open Hardware

In the context of open hardware, I spend time on Framework Laptop and Moonlander.

Framework Laptop

I have stayed in the Framework community. I have updated Framework's Wikipedia page. I felt that Framework and Framework Laptop are the best to advocate open hardware. The company surprises me constantly with what they do. We held a Fedora x Framework Talk event in Fedora Nest 2022. I assisted it as a host. As a reference, here is the event info page. The talk was since 3 years after my previous talk about QEMU on the Fedora project.


Sway on Fedora Linux on Framework Laptop


I also learned how it's fun to tinkering the hardware and customize the keyboard layout on the firmware level on the Moonlander. My latest Moonlander keyboard layout is 34 keys. And I see it's quite comfortable after practicing it.

Moonlander 34 keys layout


In the summer of 2022, I tried FreeStyle Libre and observed what my blood sugar level trends look like by some foods. I am not diabetic. I used the device for my interest.

FreeStyle Libre sensor device
FreeStyle Libre monitor app 2022/06/25
FreeStyle Libre monitor app 2022/06/26

In September 2022, I helped a workshop (GitHub) for biology and genome sequencing in academia. and presented the demo at ECCB (European Conference on Computing Biology) 2022. It was great that I learned some new things, and I had an opportunity to see what the work in academia looks like. I saw there is a challenge or limitation of the incentivized system in academia for the greater good. The experience also made me study essential genomics, and I am doing it. The book Essential Genetics and Genomics that I am using to study genomics is great.


In December 2022, I submitted Nebula Genomics's WGS DNA test. I am waiting for the result now. Maybe I need to find a good SNPs-driven healthy advisor after I get the result.

Aging Biology

This year I was inspired by the information below about aging biology.


Except for biology, the book I was inspired by in 2022 is Think Again - Adam Grant. I learned that I have biases, and how important to think again.