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Search Result: fcitx

i3: Customize keyboard layout on X based window manager

…. And the fcitx5 was overriding the keyboard layout (XkbLayout) and variant (XkbVariant) with the layout: us. $ cat home/.config/i3/config ... exec --no-startup-id fcitx5 -d ... The solution is to run fcitx5-configtool and uncheck Addons =>…

Sway, i3: Set up Japanese input with fcitx5.

… input by fcitx. As a reference, here are the blog pages. However I noticed there is fcitx5 that is successor version of fcitx. It looks the UI is better. According to the ArchWiki fcitx5, fcitx5-mozc is "based on Mozc, the Open Source Edit…

i3: Set up Japanese input environment - kkc

Seeing https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Localization/Japanese, the project Anthy is actually dead project. So, I changed the Japanese input from fcitx-anthy to fcitx-kkc. $ sudo dnf remove fcitx-anthy $ sudo dnf install fcitx-kkc

i3: Install & set up Japanese input environment

…f install fcitx $ sudo dnf install fcitx-configtool $ sudo dnf install fcitx-anthy Fcitx [1] is an input method framework. $ rpm -q -i fcitx ... Summary : An input method framework Description : Fcitx is an input method framework with exten…