Jun's Blog

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Video site for GWAS, and Ensembl

Recently, I am checking SNP/Genotype, Phenotype reference DB about Genomics. Because understanding actual structure in DNA looks easier than understanding behavior inside of DNA. It’s a kind of approach from IT Object Oriented. First I have to understand object (class) than behavior (method).

When I was searching about GWAS project, I found so cool Youtube channel. It’s really user friendly, and excellent work. It is not only GWAS project, but also tutorial from structural, fundamental approach.


Another my favorite site is Ensembl. It’s a cool genome browser. It is something like browsing Genome like browsing web sites.

Ensembl genome browser 89

I love those web sites.

Thinking of SNP and Personal NGS at a suburb

If living, a suburb is better than central of the city. If staying at hotel for not sightseeing, the suburb is also better. Today is a good day. I got idea there.

A Park f:id:happybirthday:20170521194515j:plain

BIOLOGICKE CENTRUM (= Biology Centre) f:id:happybirthday:20170521171339j:plain

There is 1 million SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) in 3 billion human’s DNA array. Each SNP affects a trait. How I remember many of SNP!

I found 2 interesting projects today.

20 or 30? years ago, A computer became a personal computer. NGS(Next Generation Sequencer) takes time for 2 days until finishing full sequence of human genome. And this sequencer must be Personal NGS. No. it has already done.

Here is this USB type NGS that I saw last year. We can use it connecting to PC. The price is 1000 USD. It is a same price with 1 laptop computer. Oxford Nanopore Technologies