Jun's Blog

Output, activities, memo and etc.

Scala environment set up & meet up in Barcelona, Spain

Now I am staying in Barcelona, Spain, as a private travel.

And I went to one meet up here.

Scala developers group in Barcelona: Coding dojo (道場)


It was first time about Scala.
And the members were friendly, and helping me!


Install JDK.


Install Scala by using SVM (Scala managing tool)
$ cd ~/git
$ git clone https://github.com/yuroyoro/svm.git

$ vi ~/.bashrc

# svm
export SCALA_HOME=~/.svm/current/rt

$ . ~/.bashrc

$ svm -v

$ svm install 2.11.6

$ svm -c
currently version is 2.11.6

$ which scala
Install SBT
$ brew install sbt

This is testing tool for scala.

$ git clone https://github.com/agilogy/sbt-skeleton.git
$ cd sbt-skeleton
$ sbt
> test
[success] Total time: 203 s, completed Apr 29, 2015 7:13:30 PM
Install IDE (IntelliJ) for scala.

Download, and install it, and Scala plugin too.

IntelliJ IDEA :: Download Latest Version of IntelliJ IDEA


Open project (sbt-skeleton)

Edit scala file and test file.

Following is simple test.

$ sbt test

And following is auto test to monitor source code, and build automatically.

$ sbt ~test

I could have a experience for the member's help by creating simple game logic.

This meet up place was also great!
This is co-working space.www.mob-barcelona.com