Jun's Blog

Output, activities, memo and etc.



The books "カラー図解 新しい人体の教科書" ("Color pictured book: New textbook of Human Body" in English) I bought was very interesting unexpectedly.

I think anatomy, understanding body, organs, tissues and cells are to fill the missing parts to connect Genomics with the things we are familiar with in Life.


And I also bought the iOS app "Essential Anatomy 5", that is only iOS, not Android version, as it was recommended by people working for muscles on Youtube.

Essential Anatomy 5 www.youtube.com

But it looks the medical students is using Complete Anatomy.

Complete Anatomy www.youtube.com

The products by 3D4Mecial.

Web site

It's a Zygote Body that was called Google Body before.


i3: window manager

I have an issue that is mouse lag in Gnome 3, Fedora 32. I could not find the solution after checking it.

This issue does not happen on other installed window managers KDE Plasma and dwm. And it also did not happen on Gnome 3 in another laptop. It seems the some settings causes the issue.

But I changed many setting items in Gnome. And it overwhelmed me.

It's time to change the window manager to the simpler one. I choose i3 [1].

I referred this article to install i3.

$ sudo dnf install i3 i3status dmenu i3lock xbacklight feh conky

I am using Terminator on the window manager. My i3 journey started :-)

[1] https://i3wm.org/