Jun's Blog

Output, activities, memo and etc.

Convert Markdown file to PDF file on Mac (2)

Previously I used markdown-pdf. But I found another tool to convert GitHub style PDF mdpdf [1]. And I would prefer it. junaruga.hatenablog.com



$ npm install mdpdf
$ which mdpdf


$ mdpdf README.md

README.pdf is created on the same directory with README.md.

Atom plugin markdown-pdf

This tool is also cool. The Atom [2] plugin [3] to convert markdown to PDF.

Install markdown-pdf plugin from Atom editor. Then select menu: Packages -> Markdown to PDF -> Convert in a markdown file.


Genome (base pair) size and gene number by Organism

As I installed Trinity RNA Seq tool, I want to do de novo sequencing to something.

Genome size is base pair (= bp) size, not gene number.

As to check the behavior of Trinity, small genome size (base pairs) is better.

I found this NCBI's page to check genome size for each organism by sorting the genome size.

"Mycoplasma genitalium" [1] genome size is 0.58 Mbp = 580,000 bp. It's very small. And it is used for Craig Ventor's minimal cell [2][3] It looks good to dig the detail by Trinity.

By the way, I found Japanese article about the genome size for each organism with photos. This web site looks very good to know biology.
