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Czech alphabet: how to write and pronounce

This content is from a Czech text book page 15, blue box on the bottom of the page. This can be used to explain a word to someone on the phone.

How to write

Used Czech words to write the Czech alphabet.

  • velké - large - e.g. velké a = "A"
  • malé - small - e.g. malé a = "a"
  • dlouhé - long. - e.g. dlouhé a = "á"
  • krátké - short - e.g. krátké tvrdé ý = "y"
  • X s čárkou - with comma = long letter - e.g. í s čárkou (comma) měkké (soft) = "í"
  • X s kroužkem - with ring - e.g. ů s kroužkem = "ů"
  • X s háčkem - e.g. é s háčkem = "ě"
  • měkké - soft - e.g. dlouhé (long) měkké (soft) í = "í"
  • tvrdé - hard - e.g. krátké (short) tvrdé (hard) ý = "y"
  • dvojité vé - double ve = "w"
  • ypsilon - "y" coming from Greek letter

How to pronounce

The Czech alphabet / Česká abeceda - Alphabet channel www.youtube.com This video covers except dlouhé (long) letters.

This side has sound file for each letter. http://learn101.org/czech_alphabet.php