Jun's Blog

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Github: Pull-request & Rebase

Today I will take note for one tips of pull-request.

For example, imagine this scenario.

1. Fork from upstream repository.

2. Git clone from forked own repository (= origin)

$ git clone https://github.com/junaruga/bar.git
$ cd bar

3. Create a feature branch for one feature.

$ git checkout -b feature/something

4. Modify & push to my own repository

$ vi foo.txt
$ git add foo.txt
$ git commit -m 'Something'
$ git push origin feature/something

5. Do pull-request from own repo: feature/something to upstream: master.

At this moment, only 1 commit.

6. Get the review from upstream people.

7. Push modification after the review to own repository: feature/something

At this moment For example 3 commits.

we should do "rebase" & squash after every modification, and unify 1 commit from these commits.

That means

$ git rebase -i commit_hash_before_your_modification


$ git push origin feature/somthing -f

origin is own repository.
And upstream's pull-request page is no problem after above command.
The previous modification's comment and file & lines are saved on the page.
And total commit & file difference info was updated.

So, again.
We should do "rebase" & squash after every modification, and unify 1 commit from these commits, for pull-request.