Jun's Blog

Output, activities, memo and etc.

Entries from 2016-05-01 to 1 month

Czech lesson: Kde je to? - Where is it?

Kde je to? - Where is it? Where? nahoře: up vlevo: left vpravo: right dole: down uprostřed: middletady: here tam: there blízko: near daleko: far Vedle vedle: next toodchod => vedle obchodu banka => vedle banky restaurace => vedle restaurac…

Vim tips

Help :h :h command such :h gU :h text_file_name. Insert long line 80 x "=" string : 80 i = Esc Insert one indent for one range ma (scroll) >`a Convert a word to upper case, lower case. Convert the word to upper case: gUaw Convert the word …

Czech lesson - Want, Can, Must

CHTÍT : Want já (I) : chici (!) ty (You) : cheš on, ona, to : chce my : chceme vy : chcete oni : chtějí (!) MOCT : Can já (I) : můžu ty (You) : můžeš on, ona, to : může my : můžeme vy : můžete oni : můžou MUSET : Must já (I) : musím ty (Yo…

Czech lesson - 1st, 2nd, 3rd ..

1. prvního : 1st 2. druhého : 2nd 3. třetího : 3rd 4. čtvrtého : 4th

Japan culture event in Czech - AnimeFest.cz

Recently I have visited to one Anime Festival event "Anime Fest CZ" https://animefest.cz/ in Brno Exhibition hall. It is likely to the event with longest history in Czech Republic.The exciting things are that the event was opened for 3 day…

Github: Pull-request & Rebase

Today I will take note for one tips of pull-request.For example, imagine this scenario.1. Fork from upstream repository. upstream: https://github.com/foo/bar.git forked: https://github.com/junaruga/bar.git 2. Git clone from forked own repo…

Czech Life: EC shop & shopping mall in Brno

Today I will introduce EC site for Czech Life, and Shopping mall for Brno.In Brno in Czech, it is harder to find what you want in Brno, than Japan. So, convenient way is to use EC site. EC site Amazon Ge (Germany) This site is supporting G…