Jun's Blog

Output, activities, memo and etc.

i3: Set up Czech input environment

In my past blog, I wrote about how to set up i3 Japanese input environment [1].

This time I wrote about how to set up Czech input environment on i3. The articles [2], [3] were helpful.

First check the current keyword setting by setxkbmap command.

$ setxkbmap -query
rules:      evdev
model:      pc105
layout:     us,cz
variant:    ,

Then here is the setting to change the keyboard by toggle, typing Shift + Alt. I confirmed it works on the terminal.

$ setxkbmap -layout us,cz -option grp:alt_shift_toggle

Here is the setting typing Alt + Space. This one is my favorite setting. But as it does not work on VIM, maybe because space is occupied by another setting of mine. I did not set this one.

$ setxkbmap -layout us,cz -option grp:alt_space_toggle

Then add the following config to the config file.

$ vi ~/.config/i3/config
exec --no-startup-id "setxkbmap -layout us,cz -option grp:alt_shift_toggle"

Load the setting by typing Window key + Shift + r.

Now the updated setting is like this.

$ setxkbmap -query
rules:      evdev
model:      pc105
layout:     us,cz
variant:    ,
options:    grp:alt_shift_toggle

That's all.
