Jun's Blog

Output, activities, memo and etc.


Czech lesson - Want, Can, Must

CHTÍT : Want já (I) : chici (!) ty (You) : cheš on, ona, to : chce my : chceme vy : chcete oni : chtějí (!) MOCT : Can já (I) : můžu ty (You) : můžeš on, ona, to : může my : můžeme vy : můžete oni : můžou MUSET : Must já (I) : musím ty (Yo…

Czech lesson - 1st, 2nd, 3rd ..

1. prvního : 1st 2. druhého : 2nd 3. třetího : 3rd 4. čtvrtého : 4th

Japan culture event in Czech - AnimeFest.cz

Recently I have visited to one Anime Festival event "Anime Fest CZ" https://animefest.cz/ in Brno Exhibition hall. It is likely to the event with longest history in Czech Republic.The exciting things are that the event was opened for 3 day…

Czech Life: EC shop & shopping mall in Brno

Today I will introduce EC site for Czech Life, and Shopping mall for Brno.In Brno in Czech, it is harder to find what you want in Brno, than Japan. So, convenient way is to use EC site. EC site Amazon Ge (Germany) This site is supporting G…

Czech lesson - Day time. What time?

When time is it? Kdy je to? When is it?Kolik je hodin? How is hour? = What time is it? Hodina (Hour = O'clock) v jednu hodinu (= in one o'clock) ve dvě tři čtyři hodiny (= in 2, 3, 4 o'clock) v šest, sedm, osm, devět, deset, jedenát hodin …

Traditional Czech Foods

Fried Cheese is one of the traditional Czech food. And I love this food. So, I often order this food in restaurants. :) The kind of the cheese depends on the restaurant.Fried Cheese. The cheese is a blue cheese. I love this food. Fried Che…

Czech lesson - Family & Adjectives

Jmenuju se Eva Hanušová. Jsem studentka a taky učitelka. studuju angličtinu a učím češtinu. My name is Eva Hanušová. Is student and also teacher. (I) study English and learn Czech language. Jmenuju: My name Na fotografii je moje rodina. Th…

Czech lesson - months of the year

Czech months - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia January : leden February : únor March : březen April : duben May : květen June : červen July : červenec August : srpen September : září October : říjen November : listopad December : prosinec…

Czech lesson - whose?

Whose is it? (Čí je to?) male noun = m, female noun = f, neutral noun = n Singular This is my foo. To je můj foo (m). To je moje/má foo (f). To je moje/mé foo (n). This is your foo. To je tvůj foo (m). To je tvůje/tvá foo (f). To je tvůje/…

Czech lesson - male/female/neutral noun

The Czech noun has male [ten], female [ta], neutral [to]To je dobrý slovník. : This is a good dictionary. To je dobrá kniha. : This is a good book. To je dobré pivo. : This is a good beer.Male noun: end with consonant. It is described as […

Czech lesson - the day of week

I will often see this in the restaurant for the daily menu. :) Monday: Pondělí (ポンヂェリー) or PO Tuesday: Úterý (ウーテリー) or ÚT Wednessday: Středa (ストゥシェダ)or ST Thursday: Čtvrtek (チトゥヴルテック) or ČT Friday: Pátek (パーテ…

Czech lesson - relative

badička : groundmother bratr : brother člověk [チョリエック], (lidé, coll. lidi) : person, people dcera [セラ] : doughter dědeček : grandfather ditě [リチィエ], děti [イエチィ] : child, children dívka [ギーフカ], coll. holka : girl chlapec…

Czech lesson - shopping, number

How much? Kolik stojí foo? : How much is it? Jogurt stojí 10 korun. : Yogurt costs 10 crowns. Co je to? : What is it? (Co: What, je: is, to: it) Ano : Yes Ne : No A : And Aha : I see. to je Jogurt. : It is Yogurt. To není Yogurt. : It is n…

How to delete Facebook account completely

Just I deleted my Facebook account, after 24 hours when I announced it on Facebook.If the friend of mine see this page, I have to say again that you can contact with me by Skype or mail.This was the thing that I thought I have to do it sin…

A good day in one bouldering gym

I started my training for the bouldering again in Brno, Czech Republic. It was tough training, as it is long time no see it.And I could get the lesson with my coach. I was very happy for that. It was a quite helpful for me. I am going to k…

My favourite classic music list

My favourite 2 musics in my junior high school period. Mozert, Requirem, Herbert Von Karajan www.youtube.com Morzert, Symphony No. 40 www.youtube.com My favourite 2 musics in my high school period. Tchaikovsky, Symphony No. 5, Bernstein ww…

Considering a communication with Facebook

I'm considering a communication with Facebook. It takes the time from me.New Feed of Facebook.I started to use bellow addons for Firefox only to use Facebook Messenger as a trial.This addon can restrict seeing for specified web site. addon…

A Happy New Year 2016

Recently I am staying in Malta. It is on January 1st, 2016 now.In 2015, I could experience to stay many Europe countries, and almost spent the time in Europe in the year. Singapore (Stayed past 3 years here.) Vietnam Hanoi Spain Barcelona,…

English for Mathematics

I studied an English for mathematics. I studied mathematics in Japanese in Japan.So, that is interesting for me. +-*% "+" plus, or add "-" minus, or subtract "*" multiplied by "/" divided by x + y : x plus y x - y : x minus y x * y : x mul…

How to hide Facebook friend's likes and comments from news feed

How to hide Facebook friend's likes and comments from news feed. If you are interested in seeing Facebook friend's post by themselves, but not interested in his/her liked or commented post, though official feature to control it, there is o…

世界のいろいろな国の Pharrell Williams - Happy 動画

Pharrell Williams という方の Happy という曲を知っていますか?これです。公式動画です。再生数 5億回以上です!Pharrell Williams - Happy (Official Music Video) - YouTubeこの曲のプロモーション動画の中で、街中で踊っている人が出てくるのですが、 …


シンガポールに以前旅行に行った。現地の人達は元気だ。なぜ現地の人は元気なのだろうか? 日本と同じ島国で資源がないので、なぜシンガポールの一人当たり平均GDPは日本より高いのか? いくつか答えはあると思うが、その答えの一つは雇用が流動的であるとい…

Another World in Japan

最近、シンガポールにフォーカスしているせいか、シンガポールの政治を見習って日本を変えていこうという情報をよく目にする。いつも読んでいるこのブログでもそのような話題がある。日本に「シンガポール」を作ろう - Railsで行こう! http://d.hatena.ne.j…

Singapore's salary criteria

シンガポールの給与水準 http://www.quon.asia/sns/?m=sns&a=page_fh_diary&target_c_diary_id=4485IT系が高め。 (IT系) ・ CIO職: 2100万円 ・ 上級PM:840万円〜1330万円 ・ ソフトウェアアーキテクト:980万円〜1400万円 ・ 上…


シンガポールに8日間ほど視察に行ってきました。 電車やバスに乗っていたので、土地勘は少しついてきました。 シンガポールには新聞の種類が少ないです。 普通紙(Straits Times)、経済紙(Bussiness Times)を読んだのですが、シンガポール自国の話題が少…


シンガポールに興味をもちはじめました。 私は日本で働いたり、自営業をしておりますが、そんな日本の労働の習慣に、少し窮屈に感じる部分もありました。日本人労働者の閉塞感、それを変えるため、労働環境の流動化が必要であり、そのために、シンガポールを…


私は、id:elem200 さんのブログをちょくちょく拝見しています。日本にシリコンバレーを作る方法 - Railsで行こう http://d.hatena.ne.jp/elm200/20091211/1260501509を読んで、素晴らしいと感銘を受けました。 たしかに日本のエンジニアの環境は一部を除いて…


8/2 にバルト9で、サマーウォーズを見てきました!前、映画のお知らせを見たのですが、こんなほのぼのとした田舎で、どんなウォーズがあるのかと思いきや…。